andBeyond Serengeti Under Canvas

Mara Region, Tansania

Luxus Safari lodges

Von € 774 auf € 4.147 pro Nacht
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The andBeyond Serengeti Under Canvas Camps attempt to anticipate the movements of the Great Migration, bringing guests as close as possible to the wildebeest action, as well as exploring magnificent resident game.

Over 2 million animals participate in the Great Migration, with some 500 000 zebra moving ahead of and 200 000 Thomson's gazelle coming behind the main players - one and a half wildebeest. The wildebeest spend the wet season on the south-eastern plains of Tanzania, moving across to Kenya's Masai Mara when the Serengeti experiences its dry season.

  • Landebahn
Anzahl der Zimmer / Suiten:
  • 9
Lokale Aktivitäten:
  • Safarifahrt
Name des nächstgelegenen internationalen Flughafens:
  • Julius Nyerere International Airport, Dar es Salaam
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